Trust the people of Idaho

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."

- James Madison

I live by this quote and I think it is a most elegant articulation of the exact opposite attitude of governance that we are under today. I will work every day to see to it that every bill I write, work on or vote for will be in line with this ideal.

Ben’s Priorities



The children of Idaho deserve the best possible education. Money should follow the student, giving parents the right to choose the educational alternative they want for their children. 

State + Individual Liberties

When serving, I will keep in mind that it is critical to maintain our sovereignty as a state and our individual liberty by limited business and government overreach.

Safety + The Second Amendment

I will make every effort to keep our schools and neighborhoods safe as well as protect our Second Amendment rights.


Our Money Serving Our People

I will work to ensure the allocation of budget that best serves our citizens, especially as we are experiencing population growth.  

End Divisive Rhetoric and Fight Discriminatory Policies

We are an incredible state. We do not need to judge people by the color of their skin, religious or sexual preference, nor where they came from. These factors should have no bearing on how you are treated under the law.



My Opponent’s Voting Record




2022 | Voted Against the Fetal Heartbeat Bill (S1309)


2022 | Voted Against the Coronavirus Pause Act (S1381)

Crisis Standards of Care

2022 | Voted Against the Crisis Standard of Care Act (HB0756)

Benjamin will endeavor to be a bridge builder, reach across the aisle to find solutions that make sense and never compromise Idaho values.